Raise Good Cholesterol - A Guide to Help You Find Out How

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 10 November 2011

Theaflavins can help increase the good cholesterol or HDL levels, according to some researchers, and lower overall levels in the blood by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterols in the gut. Other scientists say there is no benefit, but it all seems to depend on the dose used and duration of treatment.

In studies of short duration with a dose less than 100mg a day, little benefit is seen. In studies of longer duration with higher doses, 200-210mg a day, better results are seen.

Animal studies are based on several clinical trials have been conducted. Typically, obese mice with high total blood lipids have been used.

There was always some question about whether or not the results seen in mouse studies can be duplicated in human trials. Although we are all mammals, mice and other animals are controlled diet. It is very difficult to control the human diet.

Theaflavins are antioxidants found in black tea. Mice normally do not drink beverages. A lot of people. Some doctors recommend that their patients to switch from coffee to black or green tea. However, the amount of theaflavins in a cup of tea varies greatly. Taking a supplement is much more accurate.

Not only are theaflavins have been shown to raise good cholesterol and lower overall levels in the blood, they can also prevent the oxidation of bad LDL čestica.Zdravstveni risk of high LDL levels that are small enough to penetrate the inner lining of arteries and blood vessels. There, they can become oxidized free radical molecules. Once the particles are oxidized, they become hardened and difficult to lose it that way.

Policosanol, a compound extracted from the raw sugar from sugar cane, has been shown in numerous studies to raise good cholesterol and reduce the production of LDL particles. In some studies, the results are as good as those seen with statin drugs, but without the unwanted side effects.

The biggest problem with statin drugs is that they inhibit the production of coenzyme Q10, an important antioxidant. Without adequate CoQ10, cells in the body can die. Muscle cells are usually the first to be pogođeni.Simptoma careful, if you happen to be taking the drug, the muscle pain and fatigue.

Policosanol and theaflavins are not only natural ingredients that have been shown to increase good cholesterol, and if you have an unhealthy level, it should not be your only goal. Most cholesterol (good and bad) is produced by the liver. In some cases, it appears that organs produce too much, usually it is in response to high dietary intake of carbohydrates, not fat.

Basically, if you want the healthiest diet, you need to focus on balance. No, it's easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. If you are able to maintain a healthy weight, then you've already won half (if not more) of the battle.

better dietary supplements can help raise good cholesterol and more. You might want to take the time to learn more about what the better brands contain.

More aboutRaise Good Cholesterol - A Guide to Help You Find Out How

Naturally Reduce Cholesterol With Resveratrol

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 01 November 2011

lowering cholesterol is so important for your health

lowering cholesterol is important in preventing heart disease, but preventing the oxidation of cholesterol is equally important.

How to activate SIRT1 Gene

It is well known that red wine contains antioxidants known as resveratrol, quercetin, catechins, and many others all have a powerful and useful biological activities, including lowering cholesterol, prevention of heart attacks, cancer and stroke. Scientists like David Sinclair confirmed that resveratrol and other factors activated Xeno SIRT1 gene.

How to lower cholesterol without drugs

Some of the benefits of resveratrol are its ability to reduce cholesterol, other foods such as fiber, omega-3, green tea and dark chocolate can lower cholesterol, but resveratrol can activate certain genes in cells and help kontrolinad production of cholesterol in the liver.

Some people with high cholesterol have lowered levels of bad LDL cholesterol by more than 100 points using a resveratrol supplement.

is fiber important in lowering cholesterol?

Adding fiber to your diet can lower high cholesterol by 30% or more, not getting enough fiber in our diet in any way so it's a good idea to take a supplement.

Fiber How should you take

Forty to fifty grams per day is a very good amount, because the American diet only gives you about 10 to 12 grams per day, in countries where they spend 50 or more grams per day have high cholesterol or other diseases that the U.S. diet is known for.

Is it your genes that determine cholesterol

your family history and diet can lead to high cholesterol levels, but some medical conditions can have similar effects. For example, people with diabetes or a thyroid disorder, such as hypothyroidism, can lead to a slower metabolic rate, which can affect the body's ability to process cholesterol properly.

When to go where no cholesterol, can build up in the bloodstream, resulting in elevated cholesterol levels.

Resveratrol in red wine can start lowering cholesterol involvement of certain genes that make cholesterol in cells in the liver, thus turning the production of cholesterol to more normal levels.

More aboutNaturally Reduce Cholesterol With Resveratrol

Foods That Lower Cholesterol - Top 3 Foods to Reduce Bad Cholesterol Level Or LDL

Diposting oleh writer

food that lower cholesterol specially refer to those foods that can easily be the fight against high-density lipoprotein or HDL. You can choose those foods that will definitely help to reduce cholesterol levels in a very steady pace. Apart from proper medication, food also plays an important role in managing cholesterol levels in your body.

Top three foods for reducing cholesterol levels:

Beans and peas lentils : a mixture of these food items in an appropriate way to act on your body to lower cholesterol levels. In fact, lentils, beans and peas are high in soluble fiber that is very effective in the management of low density lipoproteins in your body. In to add more spice in your diet, you can take extra pains to prepare a colorful salad with these items. Besides these items you can even opt for barley, carrots and oatmeal are also very rich in soluble fire.

Fish : This is an important food items at lower levels of cholesterol or low density lipoprotein. Fish can efficiently meet the demand of Omega 3 oils, which is highly beneficial in lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, food items that are rich in omega 3 oils are the tuna, sardines, salmon, flax seeds, almonds and halibut etc.

Garlic: : It is more commonly known as the pride of the kitchen. Its healing properties get due respect in many cultures, but in addition has the ability to fight cardiovascular disease such as HDL and high blood pressure. Furthermore, garlic and function effectively regulate the amount of cholesterol that should be released into the blood stream. Thus, it also helps you to get rid of bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein.

So, in case you're suffering from HDL then you can add these foods in your diet chart for lower cholesterol levels in a very steady pace.

More aboutFoods That Lower Cholesterol - Top 3 Foods to Reduce Bad Cholesterol Level Or LDL

Can Garlic Reduce Cholesterol Effectively?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Can garlic lower cholesterol? Garlic is known to provide the body with many health benefits, and lowering body cholesterol is one of them. If you are looking for a natural and effective way to reduce high cholesterol levels, then the consumption of garlic is one way to do this. Cholesterol, though not entirely harmful to the body, if the normal levels, it could prove fatal in some situacijama.Tijelo actually produce cholesterol, so it's not a wise idea to eliminate cholesterol because it serves a purpose as the framework for the body's vital organs. All you need to do is to just lower your cholesterol intake, or better yet, eat free food calorie.

hypercholesterolemia, or a condition where the body cholesterol level is significantly high is dangerous. This could cause so much heart disease and conditions, which can further lead to other systemic problems in the body. One fatal influence of a high cholesterol level is artherosclerosis. It is a condition in which cholesterol begins to stick to artery walls and build up over time. If this condition is not addressed early, it could lead to heart failure, heart attack or even death.

There is only so much food and nutrition programs, you can follow that will help you become healthier and will maintain their normal level of cholesterol. However, studies have shown that garlic reduces cholesterol better. If you take or consume at least, a clove or two of garlic, studies show that you can reduce your body cholesterol levels by about fifteen percent, a lower risk of heart attack by as much as 30 percent.

Garlic helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body, whether the levels are only slightly above normal, or abnormally high. Like most drugs on the market, garlic has been studied by scientists and found that the claims about it are true. This can reduce the amount of cholesterol circulating around and around in the body. In addition to controlling blood cholesterol, can also help normalize blood pressure in some people.

There are different ways to prepare and consume garlic. Experts have said that raw garlic is more effective in reducing cholesterol levels as the garlic is cooking strips of its cholesterol reducing opportunities. One way to prepare raw clove of garlic to add or two in warm water and drink water. Sorting and preparing the tea. Most people would rather just eat the whole seed though.

Garlic supplements are also available on the market. It's not raw, but the capacity of garlic to reduce cholesterol levels is concentrated in a single capsule. Just popping a capsule in your mouth can help you become healthier and fit.

More aboutCan Garlic Reduce Cholesterol Effectively?

Cholesterol Supplements

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

in lowering cholesterol naturally with diet and exercise, there are plenty of supplements that you cholesterol under control. There are many natural supplements that will help reduce LDL and increase HDL. Supplements may be safer than drugs and a better choice for you. There are many supplements that can help in this regard:

Policosanol: These additives are extracted from sugar cane wax. This is one of effective supplements for lowering cholesterol. It helps to increase HDL levels.

green tea extract:. This is the cholesterol supplements that not only lowers LDL and triglyceride levels and raise HDL (good) cholesterol

Beta Sitosterol : This is one of the cholesterol supplements naturally found in soybeans, wheat germ and corn oil, this plant has a compound similar in structure to cholesterol and as such can spriječitiapsorpcija cholesterol the body.

Artichoke leaf extract : This is a supplement that comes from the dried extract of artichoke leaves is also known as Cynara scolymus. The study shows that people who artichoke supplement for six weeks, their LDL levels fell by 20 percent.

Fenugreek : Is the list of the top cholesterol supplements. It contains a significant amount of dietary fiber.

Soluble Fiber: This is the type of cholesterol supplements found in oats, barley, bran, peas, and citrus fruits. This supplement helps to lower LDL razinu.Učinak soluble fiber is relatively modest.

supplements of fish oil : Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DPA, which is usually sold as a gel capsule. These supplements can help cholesterol lowering triglycerides by about 10 to 30 percent. Fish oil does not lower LDL.

Garlic : What is it:. It is common among the supplements is available in its natural state, as an oil, extract, pills, or

Ginseng: This is an Asian plant used in traditional medicine. It is available in capsules as well.

niacin is rich in B vitamins available in meat, fish and dairy products. It is also available as a capsule. Niacin increases HDL, but that should not be taken without consulting your doctor.

Red yeast rice : This is a fungus that grows on rice and contains small amounts of naturally occurring form of lovastatin, type of statin, which is also found in prescription medications. This supplement helps LDL cholesterol by about 20 to 30 percent, comparable to prescription statins. Red yeast rice is an effective way to lower cholesterol, however, the amount of lovastatin in red yeast rice can cause side effects (such as muscle pain), and because of safety concerns, experts discourage the use of off-the-shelf red yeast rice.

Soy protein: Soy protein is found in soy foods like tofu, Edamame, and soy milk. It is also sold as a powder in a shop. This supplement to help reduce LDL cholesterol.

More aboutCholesterol Supplements

Super Foods to Reduce Cholesterol

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Voće i povrće ne sadrži masti. Možemo pojesti puno svježeg voća i povrća koji smanjuju razinu kolesterola i štite naše srce. Osim toga, voće i povrće su izvrsni izvori vitamina i minerala. Možemo uzeti agrumi poput naranče, limuna, grejpa i bobice kako bi se smanjio rizik od srčanih bolesti.


Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is vital for the body to perform different functions. Our body cholesterol from foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. However, if it becomes excessive, it begins to circulate in the blood, causing some serious problems like heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are some super foods that can help reduce cholesterol levels in our body.


Olive oil is another super food that can control cholesterol. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Studies have shown that foods that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids may reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, they can increase good cholesterol high density, which is good for overall health lipoproteins.


Olive oil is another super food that can control cholesterol. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Studies have shown that foods that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids may reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, they can increase good cholesterol high density, which is good for overall health lipoproteins.


Nuts are also effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. We can include walnuts, almonds and pistachios in our diet. Fish is an excellent food that fights cholesterol. We can take mackerel, salmon and herring regularly reduce and control cholesterol levels. Omega-3 enriched foods play an important role in reducing high cholesterol. Flaxseed, tofu, soy, nuts and salmon are some of the foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids.

More aboutSuper Foods to Reduce Cholesterol

Soluble Fiber for Cholesterol

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

soluble fiber for cholesterol is another safe and healthy way to lower cholesterol naturally, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Using fiber to lower cholesterol, safer alternatives to toxic drugs, in addition to foods rich in fiber has many other health benefits.

fiber foods play an important role in your body and help to reduce the risk of several chronic health conditions. Such foods are high in fiber should be included in your diet on a daily basis.

soluble means that your body can break them, as opposed to insoluble, which means that they pass through your digestive system without being broken down.

which foods contain soluble fiber for cholesterol?

Here is a brief list of foods high in fiber.

  • psyllium husks
  • Peas, beans, lentils
  • oats, oat bran, wheat bran,
  • broccoli, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, Zunccini
  • apples, oranges, tangerines, plums, strawberries, blackberries, apricots

There is a more comprehensive list of soluble fiber foods on-line, but the above list gives you an idea about the food that you can include in your diet to lower cholesterol naturally.

As soluble fiber for cholesterol work?

excess cholesterol that is not used by the body for the synthesis of hormones and other important functions in combination with bile acids in the colon, is recycled through the liver, and ends up back in circulation.

food fiber can bind with cholesterol and help you transfer from your body when you move your heart. This is part of the way foods are high in fiber can reduce cholesterol naturally, instead of using statin drugs have dangerous side effects.

The use of fiber to lower cholesterol is and has been shown to be effective in well-conducted studies. The role of soluble fiber for cholesterol has been known for years, but the public has only recently become aware that it is used.

USDA recommends 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories for healthy adults. It runs at about 25-30 grams of fiber dnevno.Prosjek for adults in the United States is about 15 grams.

Increased intake of fiber for lowering cholesterol is also associated with lower risk of cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, and heart disease. High fiber foods are so many benefits beyond helping to improve cholesterol levels.

soluble fiber for cholesterol is one of the most important strategies for maintaining a healthy cholesterol profile. Try to do this soluble fiber foods in your diet, and you'll automatically reduce your risk of heart disease!

More aboutSoluble Fiber for Cholesterol