What Are The Causes Of High Cholesterol Levels You Need To Be Aware Of To Stay Healthy And Safe?

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

When we talk about the causes of high cholesterol levels, there are several things that come to mind, namely, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Although cholesterol is the highest risk factor for all these, cholesterol, and continues to play an important role in our body.

Without cholesterol, our cells in the body can not function well.

What actually causes high cholesterol levels, then?

before we talked about it, let us first find out what are the types and functions of cholesterol.

Cholesterol function when the blood carries the protein tissue in the body. These are called lipoproteins.

On the other hand, there are three different types of lipoproteins in fact, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol known as LDL, high density lipoprotein known as HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which are commonly found in fatty foods, but the body can also produce this.

high-density lipoproteins are the exception, as well as large quantities of these can bring benefits to the body.

the main reason why we build up of bad cholesterol in our body through the consumption of large amounts of saturated fat, like fatty foods and foods with high sugar content, as well as drinking alcohol.

also have to watch your weight, such as being overweight almost always coincides with increased unwanted bad cholesterol.

Other causes of high cholesterol are smoking, which is also the leading risk factor for almost all of the dreaded disease.

It is also a documented cause for the increase in low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol.

This goes hand in hand with a sedentary lifestyle, we must achieve in order to avoid the situation.

There is definitely a case where we can not prevent the elevation of cholesterol and it is a condition called hyperlipidemia, which is genetically inherited.

with this condition, you can easily solve the increased cholesterol levels, and so you have to learn the best way to manage them.

One of the most effective ways to manage the effects of the causes of high cholesterol levels is through the use of natural supplements of cholesterol.

Just be careful and choose the one that is completely natural ingredients from quality companies with a proven record of achievement of success.

Some ingredients are worth looking out for the policosanol, inositol, and rice bran oil.

Now that you know what causes high cholesterol levels, it is up to you to avoid them as best as possible and look after your health.

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