Can Garlic Reduce Cholesterol Effectively?

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Can garlic lower cholesterol? Garlic is known to provide the body with many health benefits, and lowering body cholesterol is one of them. If you are looking for a natural and effective way to reduce high cholesterol levels, then the consumption of garlic is one way to do this. Cholesterol, though not entirely harmful to the body, if the normal levels, it could prove fatal in some situacijama.Tijelo actually produce cholesterol, so it's not a wise idea to eliminate cholesterol because it serves a purpose as the framework for the body's vital organs. All you need to do is to just lower your cholesterol intake, or better yet, eat free food calorie.

hypercholesterolemia, or a condition where the body cholesterol level is significantly high is dangerous. This could cause so much heart disease and conditions, which can further lead to other systemic problems in the body. One fatal influence of a high cholesterol level is artherosclerosis. It is a condition in which cholesterol begins to stick to artery walls and build up over time. If this condition is not addressed early, it could lead to heart failure, heart attack or even death.

There is only so much food and nutrition programs, you can follow that will help you become healthier and will maintain their normal level of cholesterol. However, studies have shown that garlic reduces cholesterol better. If you take or consume at least, a clove or two of garlic, studies show that you can reduce your body cholesterol levels by about fifteen percent, a lower risk of heart attack by as much as 30 percent.

Garlic helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body, whether the levels are only slightly above normal, or abnormally high. Like most drugs on the market, garlic has been studied by scientists and found that the claims about it are true. This can reduce the amount of cholesterol circulating around and around in the body. In addition to controlling blood cholesterol, can also help normalize blood pressure in some people.

There are different ways to prepare and consume garlic. Experts have said that raw garlic is more effective in reducing cholesterol levels as the garlic is cooking strips of its cholesterol reducing opportunities. One way to prepare raw clove of garlic to add or two in warm water and drink water. Sorting and preparing the tea. Most people would rather just eat the whole seed though.

Garlic supplements are also available on the market. It's not raw, but the capacity of garlic to reduce cholesterol levels is concentrated in a single capsule. Just popping a capsule in your mouth can help you become healthier and fit.

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Cholesterol Supplements

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

in lowering cholesterol naturally with diet and exercise, there are plenty of supplements that you cholesterol under control. There are many natural supplements that will help reduce LDL and increase HDL. Supplements may be safer than drugs and a better choice for you. There are many supplements that can help in this regard:

Policosanol: These additives are extracted from sugar cane wax. This is one of effective supplements for lowering cholesterol. It helps to increase HDL levels.

green tea extract:. This is the cholesterol supplements that not only lowers LDL and triglyceride levels and raise HDL (good) cholesterol

Beta Sitosterol : This is one of the cholesterol supplements naturally found in soybeans, wheat germ and corn oil, this plant has a compound similar in structure to cholesterol and as such can spriječitiapsorpcija cholesterol the body.

Artichoke leaf extract : This is a supplement that comes from the dried extract of artichoke leaves is also known as Cynara scolymus. The study shows that people who artichoke supplement for six weeks, their LDL levels fell by 20 percent.

Fenugreek : Is the list of the top cholesterol supplements. It contains a significant amount of dietary fiber.

Soluble Fiber: This is the type of cholesterol supplements found in oats, barley, bran, peas, and citrus fruits. This supplement helps to lower LDL razinu.Učinak soluble fiber is relatively modest.

supplements of fish oil : Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DPA, which is usually sold as a gel capsule. These supplements can help cholesterol lowering triglycerides by about 10 to 30 percent. Fish oil does not lower LDL.

Garlic : What is it:. It is common among the supplements is available in its natural state, as an oil, extract, pills, or

Ginseng: This is an Asian plant used in traditional medicine. It is available in capsules as well.

niacin is rich in B vitamins available in meat, fish and dairy products. It is also available as a capsule. Niacin increases HDL, but that should not be taken without consulting your doctor.

Red yeast rice : This is a fungus that grows on rice and contains small amounts of naturally occurring form of lovastatin, type of statin, which is also found in prescription medications. This supplement helps LDL cholesterol by about 20 to 30 percent, comparable to prescription statins. Red yeast rice is an effective way to lower cholesterol, however, the amount of lovastatin in red yeast rice can cause side effects (such as muscle pain), and because of safety concerns, experts discourage the use of off-the-shelf red yeast rice.

Soy protein: Soy protein is found in soy foods like tofu, Edamame, and soy milk. It is also sold as a powder in a shop. This supplement to help reduce LDL cholesterol.

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Super Foods to Reduce Cholesterol

Diposting oleh writer on Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Voće i povrće ne sadrži masti. Možemo pojesti puno svježeg voća i povrća koji smanjuju razinu kolesterola i štite naše srce. Osim toga, voće i povrće su izvrsni izvori vitamina i minerala. Možemo uzeti agrumi poput naranče, limuna, grejpa i bobice kako bi se smanjio rizik od srčanih bolesti.


Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is vital for the body to perform different functions. Our body cholesterol from foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. However, if it becomes excessive, it begins to circulate in the blood, causing some serious problems like heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are some super foods that can help reduce cholesterol levels in our body.


Olive oil is another super food that can control cholesterol. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Studies have shown that foods that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids may reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, they can increase good cholesterol high density, which is good for overall health lipoproteins.


Olive oil is another super food that can control cholesterol. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Studies have shown that foods that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids may reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In addition, they can increase good cholesterol high density, which is good for overall health lipoproteins.


Nuts are also effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. We can include walnuts, almonds and pistachios in our diet. Fish is an excellent food that fights cholesterol. We can take mackerel, salmon and herring regularly reduce and control cholesterol levels. Omega-3 enriched foods play an important role in reducing high cholesterol. Flaxseed, tofu, soy, nuts and salmon are some of the foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids.

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Soluble Fiber for Cholesterol

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

soluble fiber for cholesterol is another safe and healthy way to lower cholesterol naturally, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Using fiber to lower cholesterol, safer alternatives to toxic drugs, in addition to foods rich in fiber has many other health benefits.

fiber foods play an important role in your body and help to reduce the risk of several chronic health conditions. Such foods are high in fiber should be included in your diet on a daily basis.

soluble means that your body can break them, as opposed to insoluble, which means that they pass through your digestive system without being broken down.

which foods contain soluble fiber for cholesterol?

Here is a brief list of foods high in fiber.

  • psyllium husks
  • Peas, beans, lentils
  • oats, oat bran, wheat bran,
  • broccoli, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, Zunccini
  • apples, oranges, tangerines, plums, strawberries, blackberries, apricots

There is a more comprehensive list of soluble fiber foods on-line, but the above list gives you an idea about the food that you can include in your diet to lower cholesterol naturally.

As soluble fiber for cholesterol work?

excess cholesterol that is not used by the body for the synthesis of hormones and other important functions in combination with bile acids in the colon, is recycled through the liver, and ends up back in circulation.

food fiber can bind with cholesterol and help you transfer from your body when you move your heart. This is part of the way foods are high in fiber can reduce cholesterol naturally, instead of using statin drugs have dangerous side effects.

The use of fiber to lower cholesterol is and has been shown to be effective in well-conducted studies. The role of soluble fiber for cholesterol has been known for years, but the public has only recently become aware that it is used.

USDA recommends 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories for healthy adults. It runs at about 25-30 grams of fiber dnevno.Prosjek for adults in the United States is about 15 grams.

Increased intake of fiber for lowering cholesterol is also associated with lower risk of cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, and heart disease. High fiber foods are so many benefits beyond helping to improve cholesterol levels.

soluble fiber for cholesterol is one of the most important strategies for maintaining a healthy cholesterol profile. Try to do this soluble fiber foods in your diet, and you'll automatically reduce your risk of heart disease!

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High Cholesterol Is Easy To Cure, And You Don't Need High Price Statin Drugs To Accomplish It

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

I recently read an article in which a medical doctor who has examined an impressive bunch of letters behind his imena.Članak basically stating that alternative methods for dealing with high cholesterol are possible, but at the end of the reading experience becomes clear that the article is there really emphasize the benefits of statin drugs for lowering cholesterol and reducing the benefits of diet and lifestyle changes. This article indeed had the courage to strongly imply that alternative treatments such as herbal nutrition, clean water, and regular exercise can put you at risk of unpleasant side effects. As long as it still implies that statin drugs are free of these dangerous problems.

Have you ever read your Pharmeceutical cholesterol-lowering drug label? If you have not please take the time to do so now. You'll notice that there are a number of dangerous side effects listed on every label, and the worst side effects listed death. It seems to me that these unpleasant side effects merit the label "dangerous" in any very high cost of prescription bottles. Shall we put the same label on the Sunkist Navel Orange? I do not think so!

Doctors and Big Pharma can not make billions of dollars in profits in the laboratory are synthetic drugs, if no one is sick. Sometimes you can make sure you are sick for a targeted advertising campaign, so you're assured that you desperately need their outrageously high prices of drugs, but more often than not they do not need to convince you that you are sick, because it is an unhealthy way of life did it for them . All they really have to do is sell to the fact that the magic pill that will make you all better.

Unfortunately, this "magic pill" is not nothing but a mask symptoms that make you miserable. They do not eliminate the problem in any way shape or form. It is not much different from the anesthesia. Anesthesia does not negate the power of bad side effects to cut up to triple by-pass surgery, it just puts you to sleep, so you do not feel the pain of violence done to his body. In other words, the mask symptoms.

statin drugs is no different. They mask unpleasant symptoms caused by unhealthy animals eating, your heavy consumption of high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, milk and eggs, with their "couch potato" style života.Lijekovi not and can not cure, but they conceal the unpleasant symptoms Nevertheless, the root problem still festers and grows.

If you have high cholesterol and now you should know that Big Pharma and doctors who have purchased from them have a band aid for your problem. It is very expensive and it comes with a host of dire consequences, but they stand to make such a profit that will never get the straight scoop from them. It will probably never hear from them that your cholesterol could ever be brought to a safe level, a simple dietary and lifestyle changes. This dietary reformation will save you a bunch of money every month and a bit more exercise is also free.

bottom line is that articles like the one I read what is "medically examined" by "MD, MPH," which implies that natural health remedies, such as changes in diet and exercise can come with unpleasant side effects, while the statin drugs are in some remote labs are no such risks, the common theme to the doctor. It is easy to see that the almighty dollar is in the form of an opinion, as opposed to the truth or even common sense. Please do not be duped into giving a high percentage of your weekly paycheck to pay for these dangerous drugs with the profit margin of 500,000 percent or more. Opt instead for changes in diet and lifestyle that will not only save you a bunch of money at the grocery store, but will forever have to cancel the mask unpleasant symptoms by using the high cost of synthetic drugs. Any doctor who would deny this is nothing less than fraud.

for my sake and that of your family, do not take the bait. Get your health and healing through a healthy immune system, encourage healthy fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, whole grains, nuts, sun, clean air, clean water and vježbe.Koristi of these will never be matched by a drug made ​​in the laboratory. Lowering cholesterol is really quite simple if you decide to do it in a natural way. This is near 100 percent success rate and there are virtually no side effects. It really is a no-brainer, right?

More aboutHigh Cholesterol Is Easy To Cure, And You Don't Need High Price Statin Drugs To Accomplish It

What Are The Causes Of High Cholesterol Levels You Need To Be Aware Of To Stay Healthy And Safe?

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

When we talk about the causes of high cholesterol levels, there are several things that come to mind, namely, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Although cholesterol is the highest risk factor for all these, cholesterol, and continues to play an important role in our body.

Without cholesterol, our cells in the body can not function well.

What actually causes high cholesterol levels, then?

before we talked about it, let us first find out what are the types and functions of cholesterol.

Cholesterol function when the blood carries the protein tissue in the body. These are called lipoproteins.

On the other hand, there are three different types of lipoproteins in fact, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol known as LDL, high density lipoprotein known as HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which are commonly found in fatty foods, but the body can also produce this.

high-density lipoproteins are the exception, as well as large quantities of these can bring benefits to the body.

the main reason why we build up of bad cholesterol in our body through the consumption of large amounts of saturated fat, like fatty foods and foods with high sugar content, as well as drinking alcohol.

also have to watch your weight, such as being overweight almost always coincides with increased unwanted bad cholesterol.

Other causes of high cholesterol are smoking, which is also the leading risk factor for almost all of the dreaded disease.

It is also a documented cause for the increase in low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol.

This goes hand in hand with a sedentary lifestyle, we must achieve in order to avoid the situation.

There is definitely a case where we can not prevent the elevation of cholesterol and it is a condition called hyperlipidemia, which is genetically inherited.

with this condition, you can easily solve the increased cholesterol levels, and so you have to learn the best way to manage them.

One of the most effective ways to manage the effects of the causes of high cholesterol levels is through the use of natural supplements of cholesterol.

Just be careful and choose the one that is completely natural ingredients from quality companies with a proven record of achievement of success.

Some ingredients are worth looking out for the policosanol, inositol, and rice bran oil.

Now that you know what causes high cholesterol levels, it is up to you to avoid them as best as possible and look after your health.

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Reduce Cholesterol After Checking Out These Facts First

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Do you have a friend, someone in the family or maybe yourself who has ever suffered from high cholesterol and therefore heart disease? If you have then you will undoubtedly agree that the problem is ignored at your peril. Encouraging you and many others clearly taking a more active interest in ways to reduce cholesterol levels and you'll be able to spend many years to come himself to thank for your proactive stance.

To reduce the cholesterol is not difficult achievement. It does not require any set of regime change, even a major overhaul of your lifestyle. You just have to practice a little abstinence with regard to your diet, so you may require a little bit of moral fiber and a generous helping of self-motivation. You should look for exercise at least 3-4 times a week, and maybe even suggest a bit more if you can, indeed, try to relax a bit smaller so that stress burden off your shoulders.

As a bonus, scientists from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, found that lowering cholesterol can be vital in the fight against viral infections. It seems that cholesterol is used by virus or bacteria attacking your body to grow. So, cutting down on your body and cholesterol levels, and will be affectively empty stomach virus core products. Another dreadful reason for reducing cholesterol levels in your body.

make the following changes in your day to day life, if necessary, you should begin to reduce cholesterol levels almost immediately.

exercise I do not mean joining an expensive gym and pay for overpriced, loud mouthed drill sergeant physical trainer. I think to improve your heart above normal for a good half hour. If you can, try walking to and from work if you live close enough. Even better, run back and forth. If not, then find another way to achieve some form of exercise. There really is no excuse, because in the end all, even the busiest and most dedicated employee has a half-hour a day in which they can run or walk the dog or anything that makes exercising.

eat more carbohydrates. just eat carbohydrates that contain no refined sugar, or if it's really not possible, then at least try and limit your intake of refined sugar. Eat whole grain products, such as fruits, vegetables and beans such as these are all great sources of carbohydrates that do not contain any sugar.

Eat lean protein sources. for a really healthy sources of protein, lean red meat in general are an excellent choice. Not only has the same vitamins, minerals and nutrients as a non-lean red meat, but are less saturated fat. Chicken and turkey are also good lean meat to bring to your diet.

Finally, this paper at least, stress is another contribution to high cholesterol, and if you are serious about reducing cholesterol levels then you need to relax a bit. I am fully aware that small children, a high pressure job or other stress inducing questions can not simply be ignored. However, take an hour or half hour of the day for yourself and use it to relax and take some pressure of your heart, it will make a difference. If you really become inspired, try something new;. Yoga or tai chi are great relaxing past time, and May you find that you have discovered an interesting enjoyable hobby that would otherwise not have discovered

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Reduce Cholesterol - 3 Amazing Ways to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Levels Without Side Effects

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

learning how to reduce cholesterol, and especially their bad LDL levels is crucial if you want to avoid heart problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and so on. If you read about how to lower cholesterol, you've probably bumped into something called statins.

These are prescription drugs that are very hazardous to your health. Although they do not lower cholesterol levels, they are not worth it. They can be quite a drain on your wallet, depending on the country where you live, and they are also very dangerous according to recent studies.

Fortunately, you can lower your cholesterol with natural methods. There are plenty of amazing extras and methods out there that are very affordable and come with no side effects. It's amazing how technology has come. With all that said, here are three amazing ways you can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol.

1 Fibers has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels significantly, in some cases. You can find a lot of fiber in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and so on. Healthy food will be the go-to guys, if you want to lower your cholesterol naturally.

2 Avoid saturated fats is something that everyone should do, whether you have high cholesterol or not. Saturated fats can be found in eggs, for example. Now, eggs are not bad, but if you eat a lot of them, they can raise your cholesterol significantly. Start looking at the good fats instead, such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish.

3 Use natural ingredients , which have been proven to reduce cholesterol. They can be found in natural cholesterol dodataka.Nekoliko examples include policosanol, beta sitosterol and inositol Hexaphosphate rice. Extremely effective ingredients that work like a charm.

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Managing and Reducing VLDL Cholesterol Levels

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

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Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) is one of three forms of cholesterol complexes monitored by doctors for medical razloga.Druge complex types of cholesterol low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is often called bad cholesterol, and HDL is said to be good cholesterol. Cholesterol is a soft, fatty substance found in every cell of the human body. Cholesterol is important that cells do in everyday life. To get all the cells in the body, is needed for cholesterol to travel through the bloodstream. Since cholesterol is fat, she can not pass through the bloodstream, without assistance, usually in the blood and cholesterol levels to separate the bubbles and oil in water. To solve this problem, the proteins surrounding the cholesterol as it travels through krvotok.Kombinacija protein and cholesterol forms cholesterol kompleksa.Kolesterola in each complex is exactly the same.

VLDL produced in the liver when a person consumes more carbohydrate than is expended over the energy needs. VLDL was created to transport these newly fat in muscle and existing fat. This is a major difference between VLDL, LDL, and HDL: in addition to cholesterol, VLDL containing the new fat called triglycerides. Once the triglycerides are deposited with other fats, cholesterol remains complex, but it is now a high-density lipoprotein (IDL). Some IDL reabsorbed by the liver, but most of them still travel through the bloodstream into LDL. Because the LDL cholesterol complex primarily responsible for clogging and hardening of the arteries through atherosclerosis and VLDL can be converted to LDL, it is also accompanied by a doctor.

Several conditions and factors may cause increased levels of VLDL:

• Overeating

• alcohol use

• Obesity

• Diabetes

• Birth Control Pills

• Cushing's syndrome

• uremia

• hepatitis

• cancer

• Genetics

VLDL can not be measured in the same way as LDL and HDL. To determine the amount of VLDL in the human body, it is necessary for doctors to measure the levels of triglycerides and VLDL estimate as a percentage of it. The normal range in VLDL anywhere 50-40 mg / dl. For assessment to be correct, however, it is necessary that the person has a triglyceride over 400 mg / dl.

When you are reading in the upper range of normal or outside it is advisable to take steps to reduce VLDL. It works primarily by eating a balanced diet and eliminating foods that promote LDL and triglycerides proizvodnje.Prehrana rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help lower VLDL. Natural cholesterol lowering supplements such as Vasacor, or prescription statins can be used to reduce VLDL cholesterol. Eliminating or reducing alcohol consumption is also recommended. With a healthy diet, most doctors will advise patients to start a regular exercise program. For more information about additional ways to reduce and control VLDL cholesterol, visit the

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