Reduce Cholesterol - 3 Amazing Ways to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Levels Without Side Effects

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

learning how to reduce cholesterol, and especially their bad LDL levels is crucial if you want to avoid heart problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and so on. If you read about how to lower cholesterol, you've probably bumped into something called statins.

These are prescription drugs that are very hazardous to your health. Although they do not lower cholesterol levels, they are not worth it. They can be quite a drain on your wallet, depending on the country where you live, and they are also very dangerous according to recent studies.

Fortunately, you can lower your cholesterol with natural methods. There are plenty of amazing extras and methods out there that are very affordable and come with no side effects. It's amazing how technology has come. With all that said, here are three amazing ways you can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol.

1 Fibers has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels significantly, in some cases. You can find a lot of fiber in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and so on. Healthy food will be the go-to guys, if you want to lower your cholesterol naturally.

2 Avoid saturated fats is something that everyone should do, whether you have high cholesterol or not. Saturated fats can be found in eggs, for example. Now, eggs are not bad, but if you eat a lot of them, they can raise your cholesterol significantly. Start looking at the good fats instead, such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish.

3 Use natural ingredients , which have been proven to reduce cholesterol. They can be found in natural cholesterol dodataka.Nekoliko examples include policosanol, beta sitosterol and inositol Hexaphosphate rice. Extremely effective ingredients that work like a charm.

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