How to Get Good Cholesterol Levels - Live a Healthy Lifestyle and Use Effective Natural Supplements

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 29 September 2011

Do you know anything about the good cholesterol? If you're like many people, you probably are wondering how to control cholesterol. Most people make this much harder than it should be. Managing cholesterol is simple, if you have the right znanje.Razlog to maintain healthy cholesterol levels is so difficult, because most people want to eat whatever they want. They can not give up their cheeseburgers and pizza.

to get the maximum results for your health, you want to start eating healthy. There is no way around that. You have to stop eating lots of foods high in saturated fats to lower cholesterol. There is much common sense to maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the body. You have to eat healthy, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and take a daily natural supplement cholesterol control. I recommend to stay away from expensive prescription drugs, cholesterol, many of these products are not all that effective.

When doctors measure your cholesterol, they are checking LDL low-density lipoprotein levels and your HDL high-density lipoprotein levels. HDL cholesterol is good cholesterol and LDL cholesterol is bad cholesterol. I always want your LDL to be less than 100, and you want your HDL to be above 60 years. If you can get the level of these ranges, the cholesterol will be at a good level.

good cholesterol level is often misunderstood. Cholesterol is not always a bad thing. You just need to understand how cholesterol works in your body and keep it at an acceptable level. If you re-train your mind to eat healthy foods, exercise daily, and that is a natural cholesterol supplements, you will be able to get control of your health.

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How to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally - 4 Simple Tips

Diposting oleh writer

As soon as you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, it is time to make major changes in your lifestyle and diet. It is important that you learn how to lower cholesterol naturally, rather than just relying on the drug your doctor prescribes.

with the drugs or supplements May help, they are generally insufficient, without some commitment from you to living and eating healthier. While our bodies need a certain amount of cholesterol, excessive levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol is an increased risk of heart disease, such as clogs your arterije.Visoke levels of saturated fat in our diet is one factor.

To lower LDL, raise HDL kolesterol.Mjesto you need to start to your diet. Here are some simple tips to reduce your cholesterol diet:

1 Lower Parts of the

This is especially true for foods that contribute to higher cholesterol levels, such as butter, meat, liver and cream cheese. Simply making the parts you can eat less and make a difference in relation to cholesterol busting foods, but can help a lot.

2 Bring on the veggies

Whether you like it or not, fresh fruits and vegetables help lower LDL cholesterol. Eat plenty of daily recharge your system with plenty of anti-oxidants and soluble fiber. Loading the soluble fiber in particular is an excellent way to reduce cholesterol naturally.

3 Go fishing

Get a fish on a plate, Mate. Fish is good cholesterol foods for two reasons: it is low in saturated fat and contains plenty of omega-3 fatty kiselina.Potonji is especially great for lowering triglycerides and raising HDL. Oh, yes, do not deep fry them. It is a kind of defeats the purpose!

4 Supplements

while eating fish is a good way to get omega-3s in your body, You May also want to consider the actual addition of fish oil. Cost-effective and convenient, a good fish oil supplement is the way to really stock up on omega-3 fatty acids, even if you do not like fish.

You should now have a good idea of ​​how to reduce cholesterol naturally. However, other supplement you should seriously consider a good neutraceutical specially formulated to combat the effects of statin drugs kolesterola.Štetni well known these days, so looking for something more natural to use instead of drugs is a good idea.

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How To Maintain Normal HDL Cholesterol Levels for Great Cholesterol Levels And Super Heart Health

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 28 September 2011

maintenance of normal levels of HDL cholesterol is very important. In addition to HDL, it is also important to LDL cholesterol in check. Why is it so important to cholesterol in the first place?

Cholesterol is a substance that can be found in various parts of tijela.Jetre provides the body with about 80% of the cholesterol it needs, for various bodily functions, leaving only 20% of cholesterol from the foods we eat.

Cholesterol is required for various purposes, such as hormone creation and maintenance of cells. Cholesterol makes the membrane of cells, cells that provide its structure and cjelovitost.Mijelin sheath that covers nerves also needs cholesterol for proper functioning.

Many people do not notice if they have normal levels of HDL cholesterol or not. They tend to pay more attention to the LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol, without being aware that there needs to be the right balance between these two types of cholesterol for optimal health. LDL cholesterol can increase one's risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke and heart attack, but HDL cholesterol levels can actually protect the heart of these problems and other health complications.

What values ​​are considered normal levels of HDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol less than 40 mg / dL for men and less than 50 mg / dl for women is considered optimal. If your HDL cholesterol is 60 mg / dL or more, and are at increased risk for heart disease.

So how to maintain normal levels of HDL cholesterol? There are several things you can do to HDL at an optimal level. For one thing, make sure your weight is at an appropriate level. Being overweight or obese causes a decrease in HDL levels, and can also lead to other health problems.

exercise 30 minutes a day on a daily basis can help keep HDL cholesterol up. For those who smoke, it would be best to close as soon as possible because it is not only bad for your heart, but also for other body parts too, such as lung and skin.

Making healthier food choices can raise HDL cholesterol. Examples of foods that increase HDL as cocoa, cranberry juice, tuna, and soy milk. Supplements made ​​with natural ingredients such as pumpkin seed oil and lecithin oil can also help not only the increase in HDL rather than lowering LDL cholesterol too.

Keep your cholesterol levels balanced through natural methods, because it's not just the safest way, but the most effective as well.

If you are ready to achieve normal levels of HDL cholesterol and normal levels of LDL, thus protecting you against heart disease, then visit my website today, where I share what I personally have been used and still use the good cholesterol, and a brilliant heart health.

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Tips On How To Reduce Cholesterol Effectively To Protect Yourself Against Cardiovascular Disease

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 25 September 2011

If you're wondering how to reduce cholesterol, you will be pleased to know that you are not alone. There are thousands of people who also worry about the same thing on a daily basis.

Usually, people who worry about their cholesterol are those who have already gotten in their cholesterol level tested. As a result, they want to make sure that they can become healthy when they grow older.

Unfortunately, not many people succeed at it. This is because it is so easy to be tempted to try to eat foods that contain excessively high amounts of cholesterol. You must have the discipline, among many other features, so you can reduce cholesterol levels.

Here are more tips that will help you to achieve this:

are the target

As you are well aware that you need to lower your cholesterol level, it is important to understand how far you go. This will depend, however, a variety of factors such as family and personal history of heart disease, lifestyle and risk for cardiovascular disease. If you have a high risk, doctors will usually tell you to target LDL cholesterol below 70 mg / dl.

get treatment

If you have a high risk for cardiovascular disease, it is generally advised to take prescription drugs to help you on how to lower cholesterol. But keep in mind that these prescription drugs are not without risks such as dangerous and potentially fatal side effects.

side effects and safer alternatives to the cholesterol-lowering natural supplement.

Start moving

One of the ways you can lower your bad cholesterol is to have a regular exercise routine. This will help raise your good cholesterol up to 10%. Even if you decide to do a fast walk, but will be able to get the benefits of moderate exercise. No matter which exercise the option you choose, it is important to do regularly. This is one way you can reduce your cholesterol.

Eat more foods that contain fiber

For the past several years, may have been told many times that you eat lots of fruits and povrća.Razlog for this is that they are good sources of antioxidants that can help lower cholesterol. Fruit contains soluble fiber, which helps it to reduce cholesterol.


Studies have shown that moderate drinking good for your heart. Moderate means a glass of wine or beer every night. This is the recommended daily dose for women, while for men it can be up to two glasses a day.

If you're wondering how to reduce cholesterol, the answer is really with your lifestyle and food choices. If you choose to be healthy and stick to this decision, you can be sure that your cholesterol will be at a healthy level.

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How To Overcome High Cholesterol Levels

Diposting oleh writer

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For a clearer picture of how to overcome the high level of cholesterol in the body, look at the factors that contribute to their levels in the body will be very necessary, such factors as:

heredity: special characteristics of individuals are hidden in games and such features is the ability of cholesterol. Some people come from families with cholesterol production traits.

Age: As we get older, we begin to lose some sposobnosti.Sposobnost to metabolize food substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats (cholesterol) starts to ebb with age.

Gender: It is a fact that contributes to the gender or the body's ability to store fat. Women are found to accumulate more cholesterol than men. It gets worse as women enter their menopausal. They seem to slow down its metabolic rate significantly, and this translates to higher levels in the body in women than men.

Diet: Eating foods rich in saturated fats and trans fats can be your preference for storage of cholesterol and brings down the levels of these fats would just drive down the amount will be found in the blood <. / P>

Exercise: Exercise In addition to maintaining body functions and keeping them normal rats helps to increase the body's metabolic rate. This will lead to exhaustion of calories stored in adipose tissue as fat.

Exercise: Exercise In addition to maintaining body functions and keeping them normal rats helps to increase the body's metabolic rate. This will lead to exhaustion of calories stored in adipose tissue as fat.


Exercise: Exercise In addition to maintaining body functions and keeping them normal rats helps to increase the body's metabolic rate. This will lead to exhaustion of calories stored in adipose tissue as fat.


Exercise: Exercise In addition to maintaining body functions and keeping them normal rats helps to increase the body's metabolic rate. This will lead to exhaustion of calories stored in adipose tissue as fat.

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How to Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels in Your Body

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 19 September 2011

If you suffer from high cholesterol, one of the first things you need to do is to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol in your body. LDL or low density lipoprotein is known as bad cholesterol. Need lower LDL and high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels to remain healthy.

Understand the difference is important because cholesterol is what your body really needs. Not all cholesterol is loš.Mekom, waxy material found among the lipids or fats in the blood, and also in all the cells in the body. He plays a key role in keeping alive, it helps to form cell membranes, hormones and many other essential functions of life. It is only when you have high blood cholesterol hypercholesterolemia name that you really should start worrying, because it can lead to heart disease, which can put you at risk of fatal heart attack or stroke.

Understand the difference is important because cholesterol is what your body really needs. Not all cholesterol is loš.Mekom, waxy material found among the lipids or fats in the blood, and also in all the cells in the body. He plays a key role in keeping alive, it helps to form cell membranes, hormones and many other essential functions of life. It is only when you have high blood cholesterol hypercholesterolemia name that you really should start worrying, because it can lead to heart disease, which can put you at risk of fatal heart attack or stroke.


To supplement your diet, exercise comes next. Regular exercise can help reduce LDL and increase HDL in your body. Although it can not directly lower cholesterol, exercise can strengthen your heart and circulatory system. It will also improve your blood flow, so excess fat can be removed brže.Zdravog lifestyle, balanced diet and regular exercise are all keys that can contribute to lower levels of LDL. However, taking supplements can greatly enhance your success. It is recommended to take supplements that contain ingredients such as policosanol, phytosterols, lecithin oil, D-limonene, and theaflavins. These are all useful ingredients that can help balance your cholesterol levels.

Policosanol, extracted from beeswax and sugar cane, is very effective in lowering your LDL and increase HDL. It was also shown to remove plaque build up in the walls of your arteries. In the meantime, theaflavin antioxidant will help fight off dangerous free radicals from forming in your body. This powerful antioxidant can be mostly found in green tea. D-limonene is effective in dissolving cholesterol drive gallstones.Kombinacija the above ingredients is the most effective way to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol. Even better, they are all natural ingredients with no harmful side effects.

More aboutHow to Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels in Your Body

How to Raise Good Cholesterol While Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 15 September 2011

Are you looking for a way to raise good cholesterol in your body? If you are, you probably know a lot of heart attacks are caused by too much bad cholesterol in your body. Therefore, it is important to know what you can do to not only lower bad cholesterol levels, but picked up well. There are several ways that you can draw well, while lowering the bad.


Your diet can be a big impact on how good cholesterol you have in your system. When you have too much bad cholesterol in your body, the liver is automatically reduced to as naturally occurring cholesterol your body really needs. When this happens, well the liver to produce excess is the bad, but bad to be "implemented" by the HDL cholesterol.

So, when you reduce the amount of fatty foods you consume, you will be able to naturally enhance and increase good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol that your liver makes. This means that you have to cut back on fatty foods that most of you will eat. Increase your fiber intake by eating plenty of whole grains and beans, and eat lots and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce or eliminate dairy products for the time will also help to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and will also help to raise good cholesterol.

Diets that are high in unsaturated fats with oils from fish like salmon and walnuts can also be very useful in helping to raise good cholesterol. You'll also find that you can help to keep your HDL levels by eating plenty of fiber from foods such as whole grain rice and bread. Also, oats have been found to help.


While your diet is likely to play a central role in the effort to raise good cholesterol, you should know how much exercise you get can help you as well. When working outside, you are strengthening your heart, which will make it stronger and provide a healthier blood flow. Healthier blood flow means your heart will be able to pump out more bad cholesterol and will help your body to be more than good that you really need.

So, overall, when it comes to raising good cholesterol, remember that the same diet can also lower your bad cholesterol. At the same time, other lifestyle changes that will help you be healthy overall can help, as well as natural supplements.

More aboutHow to Raise Good Cholesterol While Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels

High Cholesterol in Teenagers

Diposting oleh writer on Rabu, 14 September 2011

High cholesterol affects about 15 percent of teenagers and, unfortunately, a growing problem. Left unchecked and untreated, the buildup of cholesterol can continue into adulthood and lead to a significant increase in risk of early heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States today. That is why teens with high cholesterol, and their parents should be aware of how to solve the problem.

Approximately 1.5 percent of teenagers suffer from high cholesterol, because the condition runs in their obitelji.Kolesterol test should also be taken into account if there is a family history of high blood pressure. Teenagers are putting at risk of developing high cholesterol if they smoke regularly. However, the leading cause of high cholesterol in youth obesity. Poor nutrition and lack of exercise can cause fatty build up in arteries which can lead to serious health problems in adulthood.

To reduce the risk of your teen develop high cholesterol or lower it if it has already become a problem, one of the first things you will need to do is encourage them to become physically active. People need to weigh at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days a week. If you are overweight, or experiencing health problems should build up to 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week to improve your health.

Diet is also important faktor.Najveći culprit for high cholesterol is processed food, so meals should be cooked from scratch whenever possible. Saturated fats, which come mainly from animal products like meat and dairy products, and hydrogenated fats, found in some oils should be limited. Good alternative "bad" fats are liquid margarine and olive oil.

Teenagers should also ensure that all their 5 servings of fruits and vegetables today as these often have features that can help lower cholesterol. Apples, pears, plums and brussell sprouts contain all the soluble fiber, which breaks down the bad cholesterol. Soybeans, oats, legumes and nuts may also help reduce cholesterol. However, because of its high calorie content of nuts intake should be limited to a handful or less per day.

If you are trying to lower cholesterol through diet and exercise does not yield results after a year then ended May be prescribed medication. It is usually work by blocking cholesterol production, increasing levels of "good" cholesterol and reduce cholesterol absorption. As with any form of medication, these drugs can have unpleasant side effects and should only be considered if all other measures are not.

More aboutHigh Cholesterol in Teenagers

Why Having Healthy Cholesterol Levels is So Important and How You Can Easily Achieve Them

Diposting oleh writer on Selasa, 13 September 2011

Do you have healthy cholesterol levels? Keeping your cholesterol within normal limits is important because high levels of cholesterol associated with an increased risk for developing heart disease. There are a number of factors that may cause an increase in cholesterol, including family history, age, diet and lifestyle.

How do you know if you have healthy cholesterol levels? Test is called a lipid profile can be done to measure total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Total cholesterol less than 200 mg / dl is considered normalnim.Vrijednost 200-239 mg / dL is borderline high, while the total cholesterol of 240 mg / dL and above is considered high blood cholesterol. People with high total cholesterol levels were twice as likely to develop coronary heart disease.

When it comes to LDL or bad cholesterol, a value of less than 100 mg / dl is considered optimal, 100-129 mg / dL is near optimal, 130-159 mg / dL is borderline high, 160-189 mg / dL is high, while the LDL value of 190 mg / dl or more is very visoka.Zdrave LDL levels are determined based on a person's risk factors for heart disease, so it varies from person to person.

When it comes to healthy levels of HDL cholesterol, the higher the value, the better. HDL is considered good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol less than 40 mg / dL for men and 50 mg / dl for women is low, a major risk factor for heart disease, a level of 60 mg / dl, and offer more protection against heart disease.

In addition to cholesterol, lipid profile measures the levels of triglycerides, which also predispose individuals to heart disease. High levels of triglycerides occur with low HDL or high LDL is associated with more rapid build up of fatty deposits on artery walls.

How do you maintain healthy cholesterol levels? You can keep your cholesterol within normal eating the right foods. Foods such as oily fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains can help lower bad cholesterol. Avoid foods high in cholesterol such as meat, egg yolks, organ meats, poultry, and processed foods.

In addition to eating right, you can also take natural supplements that will not only lower bad cholesterol, but will also increase good cholesterol. Supplements containing theaflavin, policosanol and pumpkin seed oil are very effective in maintaining cholesterol within normal range.

Do not contain preservatives, binders, fillers, and because it can be harmful to health and affect the absorption of nutrients.

So, go ahead, visit my website today and get yourself started on your way to healthy cholesterol levels.

More aboutWhy Having Healthy Cholesterol Levels is So Important and How You Can Easily Achieve Them

What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

Diposting oleh writer

Although cholesterol serves many essential roles in maintaining our bodies in good health is receiving more attention when it is harmful to our body. It is harmful when it is too much in the body. We produce about 80% of cholesterol that is needed in the body naturally in the liver. The rest is obtained through diet means. However, when too much cholesterol is consumed through dietary means then the cholesterol level becomes elevated and this may lead to health problems. Thickening of the arteries is a common consequence of high cholesterol. This can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. So what is a normal cholesterol level? This article will give you facts and figures according to the American Heart Association and explain what they mean.

guidelines by the American Heart Association are as follows:

Total cholesterol:

less than 200 mg / dl is a desirable outcome (mg / dl stands for milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter of blood ).

of 200 mg / dl to 239mg/dl is considered high-risk limits.

240 mg / dl is considered to be at high risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

Total cholesterol includes LDL and HDL cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol because it tends to stick to the wall of the arteries leading to atherosclerosis and eventually heart disease.

guidelines for LDL cholestrol is:

Less than 100mg/dl is optimal

100mg/dl to 129 mg / dL is near optimal

130mg/dl to 159mg/dl is too high

160mg/dl to 189mg/dl large

190mg/dl is very high

HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol because it helps transport excess cholesterol back to the liver where it is excreted.

guidelines for HDL cholesterol is higher it is bolje.Prag 40mg/dl for men and 50mg/dl for women. Any lower than those readings would be considered high risk for heart disease.

key to reducing LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol is to eat a healthy diet of fresh and low fat foods. You should exercise regularly. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise a day. Stop smoking because it reduces the amount of HDL cholesterol in the body.

More aboutWhat Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

Raise Your Good Cholesterol Levels Naturally Without the Use of Harmful Statin Drugs

Diposting oleh writer on Senin, 12 September 2011

I get frustrated all the information about cholesterol today? This can be confusing, but once you know the basics and how to increase good cholesterol, it becomes much jednostavnije.Dvije types of cholesterol are LDL, or bad, and HDL, the good one that you want more. To get the right balance you want to achieve a ratio of about 3:1 LDL and HDL.

for raising good cholesterol effectively and naturally you need specific ingredients to the fact that only 20% comes from your diet with the remaining 80% is produced in your liver, so changing your diet alone will only result in small improvements. When you go to your doctor may advise statin drugs to improve the level, but they can have serious side effects, despite the fact that pharmaceutical companies say.

The main problem with statin drugs is that they lower the body's production of coenzyme Q10, which is an important enzyme that your body requires for the health of all cells, tissues and organa.Nedostatak it can lead to an increased risk of heart attack, the very thing these drugs try to avoid!

the right blend of natural nutrients has been shown to be as effective as these drugs and the only side effects have improved immune system and better overall health.

the most effective ones are Policosanol, D-Limonene, Theaflavins and lecithin. Policosanol comes from sugar cane, and will raise levels of good cholesterol and helps to reduce the poor and lower risk of premature death.

They will give you the right natural balance in relation to the forced lowering statins achieved. Statin drugs have also found that lower cholesterol levels too, and it is important to remember that a certain amount is necessary for good health.

too low levels can lead to mood disorders and brain damage, so the first line of defense should always be natural and safe way. Never feel pressured to take statins by their doctors without exploring your other options first.

If you are looking for ingredients I have mentioned will have the best chance of success to raise good cholesterol and lower bad will help you achieve optimum health and avoid many of the harmful diseases later in life.

If you want to learn more about effective and natural cholesterol balancing supplements I personally use, visit my website today.

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