How to Raise Good Cholesterol While Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels

Diposting oleh writer on Kamis, 15 September 2011

Are you looking for a way to raise good cholesterol in your body? If you are, you probably know a lot of heart attacks are caused by too much bad cholesterol in your body. Therefore, it is important to know what you can do to not only lower bad cholesterol levels, but picked up well. There are several ways that you can draw well, while lowering the bad.


Your diet can be a big impact on how good cholesterol you have in your system. When you have too much bad cholesterol in your body, the liver is automatically reduced to as naturally occurring cholesterol your body really needs. When this happens, well the liver to produce excess is the bad, but bad to be "implemented" by the HDL cholesterol.

So, when you reduce the amount of fatty foods you consume, you will be able to naturally enhance and increase good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol that your liver makes. This means that you have to cut back on fatty foods that most of you will eat. Increase your fiber intake by eating plenty of whole grains and beans, and eat lots and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce or eliminate dairy products for the time will also help to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and will also help to raise good cholesterol.

Diets that are high in unsaturated fats with oils from fish like salmon and walnuts can also be very useful in helping to raise good cholesterol. You'll also find that you can help to keep your HDL levels by eating plenty of fiber from foods such as whole grain rice and bread. Also, oats have been found to help.


While your diet is likely to play a central role in the effort to raise good cholesterol, you should know how much exercise you get can help you as well. When working outside, you are strengthening your heart, which will make it stronger and provide a healthier blood flow. Healthier blood flow means your heart will be able to pump out more bad cholesterol and will help your body to be more than good that you really need.

So, overall, when it comes to raising good cholesterol, remember that the same diet can also lower your bad cholesterol. At the same time, other lifestyle changes that will help you be healthy overall can help, as well as natural supplements.

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